Fat Cheerleaders Suck

Have You Ever Seen One?

Monday, February 8, 2010

Has anyone else heard of this Ana Boot Camp thing? it sounds interesting and I really wanna try it...Wish me luck

Ana Boot Camp
day1: 500 calories(or less)
day2: 500 calories(or less)
3:300 calories
4:400 calories
5: 100 calories
6: 200 calories
7: 300 calories
8: 400 calories
9: 500 calories
10: fast
11: 150 calories
12: 200 calories
13: 400 calories
14: 350 calories
15: 250 calories
16: 200 calories
17: fast
18: 200 calories
19: 100 calories
20: fast
21: 300 calories
22: 250 calories
23: 200 calories
24: 150 calories
25: 100 calories
26: 50 calories
27: 100 calories
28: 200 calories
29: 200 calories
30: 300 calories
31: 800
32: fast
33: 250 calories
34: 350 calories
35: 450 calories
36: fast
37: 500 calories
38: 450 calories
39: 400 calories
40: 350 calories
41: 300 calories
42: 250 calories
43: 200 calories
44: 200 calories
45: 250 calories
46: 200 calories
47: 300 calories
48: 200 calories
49: 150 calories
50: fast

So these are just some tips that I use when I purge to make it ALOT easier.

  • Purging Tips

    1. Drink salt water after you binge, it retains all the water and makes it easy to purge afterwards.
    2. Mineral oil is a very effective and less harmful laxative, and you can buy it at most grocery stores.
    3. Take laxatives in a 2, 4, 6, 8, ratio so your body doesn't get used to them and become immune, because then you have to take higher and higher doses. So like 2 the first day, then 4 the second, 6 the third and 8 the forth, then fast one day and don't use any laxatives, then start up the cycle again. You are basically tricking your body.
    4. Drink tons of water while you are eating. It will make the food so much easier to get up, plus it won't taste bad if there is enough water. it also fills you up faster so you have less to puke out :)
    5. Drink a can of diet soda immediately before purging. The bubbles help the food come up. i prefer to drink a can while i am eating, it fills me up so much, theni get this icky feeling in my stomach and go puke, it works great!
    6. Use more than one finger, and wiggle them a little to "tickle" the gag reflex. i personally use three...makes me feel like i am choking and everything comes up.
    7. Push on your stomach.
    8. Wet your fingers first by sucking on them or running them under warm water.
    9. Use your stomach muscles to push the food up.
    10. Cough gently while you are gagging (I don't know why it helps but it does; it seems to "open up" your throat for the food to come up).
    11. Gravity is your friend. If it is close enough, try sitting on the edge of your bathtub while you throw up, so your head is lower than your stomach. If the food has to run "downhill" it will obviously be more ready to come up upon gagging. If your tub is not close enough try pulling a stool into the bathroom with you (if there's no one around to wonder what the hell you're doing).
    12. Chew your food until it dissolves.
    13. Food comes back up in basically the same order it went down in. If you eat something brightly colored first, you'll know when you've gotten up mostly all the food. However, since you can't always get up everything, it's better to make this "first-food" something low-cal in case you end up having to live with it after all. My favorite is Sugar-Free Jell-O because it is only 10 calories and it is unmistakable when it comes up.
    14. Start your binges out on negative cal foods, this way your body eats those up first and give you a chance to purge the other stuff
    15. Binge after you exercise, this way your metabolism is up and it will burn up the stuff you can't purge.
    16. If throwing up is hard for you use a tooth brush (not the side with the brush) and drink lots of fluids before
    17. Drink some Pedialyte after purging. It's meant for babies but you can drink higher doses, and it'll replenish your electrolytes
    18. Get a really strong spray bottle, open your mouth, and spray right at the back of your throat. the food will come up easily
    19. when gagging find that little hump in the back of your throat and just keep rubbing it around in circles
    20. drink a whole glass of diet pepsi just before you binge, it really helps the food up
    21. If you can't get regular laxatives for some reason, sugar-free sweets with sorbital do the job well
    22. Do not kneel by the toilet stand in front of the toilet tilt your head up and put your fingers down your throat when you begin to gag, bend down over the toilet and BOOM the food comes up. Much easier and less effort needs to be put into it
    23. The bristly end of a tooth brush works well for purging, slightly irritating, but gets the job done faster and more comes up. After you are all done purging drink a tall glass of water and purge again. You will see more food actually comes out! So drink up and get rid of it
    24. DO NOT eat granola bars, bread or raw veggies. They do not come up easily if at all
    25. Use soft food to purge, it's easier
    26. Use markers such as Doritos, so you know everything is up when you see the orange
    27. Ice cream is #1 for puking...tastes SO GOOD (fatty, but hey that's what bingeing is for) and practically pukes itself out
    28. Do NOT try to purge anything citrus-if you've done it you know what I mean (i.e. pineapple)
    29. Drink 'smart water', it is fortified w/ electrolytes, which is what you lose when you puke (by glaceau)
    30. Drink A glass of water before you puke, and then take a break and drink another one when ever it gets a little hard to get it all up...then after drink another glass and brush your teeth you will feel refreshed and ready for the rest of the day
    31. After purging don't brush your teeth!! It just rubs the acid in a eats away at your tooth enamel. Instead rinse your mouth out with water or mouth wash.
    32. Throwing up more than one hour after eating is useless. all the calories and fat have been absorbed already
    33. Exercise 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes at night... and use dexatrim and/or lax
    34. Low on cash for bingeing food?? Try Ramen (the noodles), they're good, carbs (which is what you usually crave when you're bingeing), come in all different kinds of flavors, and extremely cheap. Like 29 cents a package
    35. Stick your finger in and out of your mouth when you start to gag. It helps you gag up the food better
    36. if your binging on dry things make sure you drink extra fluids to get it all to come up, othersise its sucks ASS!!!
    37. Say your going for a shower or bath then when you puke run the water and after have a shower or bath. i also turn my bathroom radio on, gets a little more noise going...
    38. If you're purging in a public toilet, flush the toilet with each puke episode... it covers the sound & you can always say that the toilet isn't flushing forcefully enough (like it's broken)
    39. Stand up when putting your finger down your throat... when it is down... breath in... lots of air... then bend over it will come out
    40. Instead of just sticking your fingers down your throat what you have to do is find the hole in your mouth that you breath out of (not the one that leads to the esophagus) and slightly stick your finger in it (careful you might hurt yourself if you do it too hard unlike the regular esophagus thing).. it makes you more nauseous and makes more food come up
    41. Instead of rising suspicion by going to the bathroom after every meal, go to your room, turn the stereo up and purge in a garbage can. you'll get a chance to see how much actually came up and it'll be easier to hide if you make any noise
    42. Rock backwards and forwards while you are making yourself purge... I've found the rhythm and momentum help make being easier
    43. When you use laxatives eat something that is a marker that you can see that will pass through undigested if you don't chew it (submitter recommends peanuts)
    44. When you're going to purge drink a glass of cold milk, I've found that it really cools down your throat and makes everything go smoother
    45. After purging run hands under cold water and pat your eyes. After you finish purging usually your eyes look puffy and red. cold water helps tone the redness down
    46. Rinse your mouth with baking soda after you throw up- to neutralize the acid. Then use mouth wash- or gum or whatever. do NOT brush your teeth right away- that just worsens the effects of the acid
    47. Things that hurt to throw up: hot spicy foods (chicken wings), fries w/ ketchup (I think the ketchup really irritates the throat).
    48. Drink lots of fluid, a gallon of anything will automatically help you throw up. If you drink loause you to get really full and it will all come out
    49. drink hot water then try to purge, the hot water makes you nauseous and makes it much easier
    50. Drink lots of warm water before you throw up it helps the food come up better or after you binge eat a few spoonfuls of ice- cream it numbs your throat and makes it a lot easier to puke up the rest of the food you've eaten
    51. don't forget to replace the food you ate! and also don't clog up the toilet
    52. if possible do try and puke in your bedroom in a bag or something because after puking there'll be a shiny layer on top the water (in toilet) and this will attract attention at home
    53. Drink a tall glass of water, do 100 sit ups, then drink more water and so on, until you are as full with water as possible. Do all this as fast as possible, and it'll come up much easier and less acid
    54. There is nothing more degrading than puking in a toilet and being splashed in the face by potty water and your own vomit. this usually doesn't happen often unless it is very forceful purging, you can lessen this splash-effect by putting a few squares of toilet paper on the surface of the water
    55. Start your binge w/ "safe foods" low in cal, and then move on to the crap. That way if any of it is absorbed, it'll be the safe stuff. (and quite often you get the safe stuff up anyway - if you drink enough)
    56. Drink a liter of warm fluid, then swallow a tablespoon of rock salt the same way you would vitamin pills. The food will come up in about 10 minutes, but have a bucket around cause you puke suddenly and unexpectedly. Great method if you can't purge by sticking your fingers down your throat (like me)
    57. Cooperative purge friendly foods--pudding, ice cream, cereal w/ milk, jelly or cream filled pastry, extra creamy mac & cheese. Also, by micro-waving foods (such as cookies, muffins, baked goods), they soften & come up easier. Plus this added warmth is very comforting, both going in and coming out
    58. Force yourself to wait at least one hour between binges. I have a bad habit of binge/purge/binge/purge/binge/purge, etc... By the end of the entire session I get lazy & put less effort into bringing everything up. By spreading out binges, less food gets left behind
    59. If your eyes get red after purging (say if you're out eating with friends and you go to the bathroom), come back and tell them how you're contacts are driving you NUTS...makes it seem like you were taking them in/out in the bathroom (hence the red eyes)
    60. Standing up DOES work best. Better yet, ignore the toilet... Do it in the shower in stead. It sounds gross, but think of it--plenty of h20 to rinse with, soap to hide the smell, and just push it all down the drain with your foot, or whatever. Be careful though. Stringy rough foods can clog up the drain (beef, chicken, etc...) And markers work to a point, but they aren't very reliable. OH! and the flowing water obviously helps to cover-up the smell
    61. Always drink diet cola (2cans) with each binge and use Dulco-Lax tablets (UK only?) they are the best and don't give you the tummy ache you get with some. Also you often bring up last what you ate last not what you ate first so markers don't always work especially with chocolate and never purge with bread or gooey cakes like muffins as they clump together
    62. Don’t eat your food when its too hot, u wont be able to chew properly and then it'll be hard to vomit big pieces of food. If you've been there you'll know what I'm talking about
    63. When you've nearly finished but cant get the last bit out, punch yourself as hard as you can in the stomach.....just below the base of the rib cage, I've found this really helped as when you drink water after it you feel so nauseous it all comes out
    64. Soft fruit (grapes, strawberries, bananas) are the best to purge with...eat 3 and it helps it all come up, and it also doesn't absorb anything before coming up after 30 minutes
    65. While you are bingeing, take a sip of water in-between each bite of food. So then, when you purge it, the food is all mixed up in the water & Nothing gets stuck or is hard to come out
    66. Try puking in the shower, it is way easier than anything else...because if you start to get tired like me...you can sort of relax in the hot water until your ready to puke again...and like it was already said throwing up in the shower helps hide the sound and noise...and if your thinking about throwing up in the shower try not to eat chunky foods...and try to make sure there is no vomit left in the shower after your done
    67. Try to get all the vomiting done at once, if you stop for a little you ain't going want to go back. So take a deep breath, & get it all done
    68. Do NOT drink fruit drinks before you throw up...a.k.a. Fruitopia or anything like it-- believe me it does NOT taste the same as it went down


Heyyys. So shiitt. I'm basically starting this cause I'm fat. No need to sugar-coat it by saying "Plump" or "Curvy" no I'm fat. And I'm Starting this cause I want to get rid of this fat. I've tried everything from stupid diets in the magazines to attempting to starving myself (which worked but is hard to stick with). I realize that I need will power and shit. But its hard to not eat when everyone around you is shoving food down your throat. My goal as of now is to reach 150. Once I get there I want to get to 125. I'm trying to take things little by little.

So, I'm not going to force you to susribe or whatever it is you do here cause thats your choice. But I would like for you to comment and help me. Give me tips. I will post thinspo to encourage you guys and myself. I will post ideas and keep you updated on my progress. Maybe once I get started I can develop a buddy. Someone to confide in idk so YEA!!


-Drinks lot of ICE COLD water, cold water burns more cals when trying to heat up body.

-Put your eating utensil down between every bite of food you take.

- Chew slowly, it fills you up more. Eat slowly.

- Keep a Trigger Book of thinspiration pictures, quotes, why you shouldn't eat.. ECT.

- Keep a journal of what food you eat everyday and the calories it has in each food.

- Wear a red bracelet (reminds you not to eat).

- Wear a rubber band on your wrist.. so every time you're hungry just slap yourself with it.

- Curl up into a little ball if you are having stomach pains.. makes your tummy feel better.

- Cold water= burns cals. Warm water= fills you up.

- When you want those sweet foods.. count to 100 and it will prob. make you think twice before you eat the food.

- Just cause food has no fat or sugar.. doesn't mean it doesn't have calories..

- Go into the kitchen and pretend you're getting food- so your parents aren't sucpious about you not coming to the kitchen a lot..

- Don't ever eat after 7:00 pm.

- Don't eat before you go to bed-- fat stores and builds during sleep.

- Get lots of sleep (at least 6-8 hours)

- Go to sleep early- wake up late.

- Make up excuses not to eat.. such as..

" I had a big breakfast/lunch/dinner!"

" No thanks, I'm going to eat when I get home."

"I have a stomach ache.. I don't feel well.."


- Wear nail polish to hide change of color in nails.

- Take a picture of you looking fat, and put it in front of food.. it'll make you think about it.

- Think you're fat? Eating A lot of food makes you more fat.

- Throw away sweet foods.. or tempting foods. Or give them away to friends/family/chairty.

- Wear baggy clothes or clothes that don't reveal your wieght loss.

- Keep cold. Staying cold burns your cals a lot.. cause you body burns more when trying to warm up your body.

- Eat somwhere quiet and where you can only concentrate on what you're eating. Eating in front of a tv/computer can destract you.. and you may not know what you just ate.

- Brush your teeth/tongue often.. you don't wanna eat after getting freshened up.

- Do something gross.. like wash a toliet.. it'll make you lose your appetite.

- Keep a wrapper of your fav. food- smell it when you're hungry. Soon enough you won't be so hungry anymore.

- Drink TONS of water- it'll fill you up.

- Drink a glass of water every hour.

- Drink a little sip of water in between bites of food.

- Sit up straight.. studies show it can make you burn up to more then 10% more cals then sitting slouched.

- Fidgett.. while sitting.. tap a penicl, roll around in your chair, tap your feet.. it burns way more cals then sitting and not doing anything.

- Go outside when hungry- it takes your mind off food more.

- Go to sleep when hungry.

- Go vegan/vegiterian.

- Caffiene!

- Chew sugar free gum! Sometimes chewing gum keep your mouth working. Even can burn calories! Sometimes can get you full too! Something like Orbit (SF) would work. Make sure it's SF!

- Excercise a lot! Go outside.. jump on your tramp.. run some laps.. ride your bike/scooter.

- Sweating makes you burn a lot of calories! From excerise.

- Eat spicy-ish foods.

- Use laxatives??

- Diet pills would work too!

- Hide your pills in simple over-the-counter pill containers. (HINT- It won't work in Flinstone Gummies Vitamins containers!)

- Take vitamins.

- Pop a cigerette.. it takes your mind off food.. and can sometimes get you a lil more full.

- Drink caffiene drinks and teas.. green teas.. and coffee.

- Avoid a lot of fried foods. tons of fat.

- Snacking.. I THINK NOT. Don't snack.

- Remember thin just won't appear.. you have to work for it!

- Put a pic of your fav. thinspirations in your fridge and near foods!

- Hide all foods if possible, less temtations!

- A little competition is good! It influneces you to try harder.

- Drink diet cokes. It only has 1 cal.