Heyyys. So shiitt. I'm basically starting this cause I'm fat. No need to sugar-coat it by saying "Plump" or "Curvy" no I'm fat. And I'm Starting this cause I want to get rid of this fat. I've tried everything from stupid diets in the magazines to attempting to starving myself (which worked but is hard to stick with). I realize that I need will power and shit. But its hard to not eat when everyone around you is shoving food down your throat. My goal as of now is to reach 150. Once I get there I want to get to 125. I'm trying to take things little by little.
-Drinks lot of ICE COLD water, cold water burns more cals when trying to heat up body.
-Put your eating utensil down between every bite of food you take.
- Chew slowly, it fills you up more. Eat slowly.
- Keep a Trigger Book of thinspiration pictures, quotes, why you shouldn't eat.. ECT.
- Keep a journal of what food you eat everyday and the calories it has in each food.
- Wear a red bracelet (reminds you not to eat).
- Wear a rubber band on your wrist.. so every time you're hungry just slap yourself with it.
- Curl up into a little ball if you are having stomach pains.. makes your tummy feel better.
- Cold water= burns cals. Warm water= fills you up.
- When you want those sweet foods.. count to 100 and it will prob. make you think twice before you eat the food.
- Just cause food has no fat or sugar.. doesn't mean it doesn't have calories..
- Go into the kitchen and pretend you're getting food- so your parents aren't sucpious about you not coming to the kitchen a lot..
- Don't ever eat after 7:00 pm.
- Don't eat before you go to bed-- fat stores and builds during sleep.
- Get lots of sleep (at least 6-8 hours)
- Go to sleep early- wake up late.
- Make up excuses not to eat.. such as..
" I had a big breakfast/lunch/dinner!"
" No thanks, I'm going to eat when I get home."
"I have a stomach ache.. I don't feel well.."
- Wear nail polish to hide change of color in nails.
- Take a picture of you looking fat, and put it in front of food.. it'll make you think about it.
- Think you're fat? Eating A lot of food makes you more fat.
- Throw away sweet foods.. or tempting foods. Or give them away to friends/family/chairty.
- Wear baggy clothes or clothes that don't reveal your wieght loss.
- Keep cold. Staying cold burns your cals a lot.. cause you body burns more when trying to warm up your body.
- Eat somwhere quiet and where you can only concentrate on what you're eating. Eating in front of a tv/computer can destract you.. and you may not know what you just ate.
- Brush your teeth/tongue often.. you don't wanna eat after getting freshened up.
- Do something gross.. like wash a toliet.. it'll make you lose your appetite.
- Keep a wrapper of your fav. food- smell it when you're hungry. Soon enough you won't be so hungry anymore.
- Drink TONS of water- it'll fill you up.
- Drink a glass of water every hour.
- Drink a little sip of water in between bites of food.
- Sit up straight.. studies show it can make you burn up to more then 10% more cals then sitting slouched.
- Fidgett.. while sitting.. tap a penicl, roll around in your chair, tap your feet.. it burns way more cals then sitting and not doing anything.
- Go outside when hungry- it takes your mind off food more.
- Go to sleep when hungry.
- Go vegan/vegiterian.
- Caffiene!
- Chew sugar free gum! Sometimes chewing gum keep your mouth working. Even can burn calories! Sometimes can get you full too! Something like Orbit (SF) would work. Make sure it's SF!
- Excercise a lot! Go outside.. jump on your tramp.. run some laps.. ride your bike/scooter.
- Sweating makes you burn a lot of calories! From excerise.
- Eat spicy-ish foods.
- Use laxatives??
- Diet pills would work too!
- Hide your pills in simple over-the-counter pill containers. (HINT- It won't work in Flinstone Gummies Vitamins containers!)
- Take vitamins.
- Pop a cigerette.. it takes your mind off food.. and can sometimes get you a lil more full.
- Drink caffiene drinks and teas.. green teas.. and coffee.
- Avoid a lot of fried foods. tons of fat.
- Snacking.. I THINK NOT. Don't snack.
- Remember thin just won't appear.. you have to work for it!
- Put a pic of your fav. thinspirations in your fridge and near foods!
- Hide all foods if possible, less temtations!
- A little competition is good! It influneces you to try harder.
- Drink diet cokes. It only has 1 cal.
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